Saturday, October 18, 2014

I beat the "Gaylord".

Today, while playing Destiny, I unlocked the Reef location. I went there, talked to the Awoken, and then they asked me for a Gaylord's head. Wait. What? Gaylord? Actually, they wanted a Gate Lord's head. Now, I heard Gaylord. I was like, WTF? I went and fought this "Gaylord" anyways, because I needed his head to get the cords for the Black Garden. I traveled back over to Venus, and went into the level with the "Gaylord". You can call me a retard, but I seriously thought they said Gaylord. However, when I reached the spot with the "Gaylord" I realized that it was actually a Gate Lord. LOL! That level really pissed me off, because it took me about six tries to beat it. Yep. I'm a n00b. I use a Hand Cannon, Sniper Rifle, and Rocket Launcher. Lvl 14. If you are reading this, and you play Destiny, then you are probably better than me. Oh, BTW, I'm a Hunter. That's basically all I have to tell you today. Hope you enjoy this little story!

Still a Newbie Blogger,

P.S. If you want to play with me on Xbox, my gamertag is Shocker909.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Hello and welcome to Piistol Gaming! If you are interested in games like Destiny, Halo, Minecraft, or Trials, you have come to the right spot! On this blog, I will be playing those games and others like them, and maybe even play some games you guys recommend! I will post weapon reviews, game reviews, easter eggs, and maybe some posts about the games I'm play. Now, this is a blog, not YouTube, so you won't see many gameplay videos. For easter eggs, there will be videos, but that is mostly it. There will be the occasional screenshot, mostly in reviews. I might eventually start streaming on Twitch for long gameplay videos, but I am not doing any of that yet. Well, I think that's enough for this first little post. I hope that you will read and enjoy my blog!

Newbie Blogger,